Michael Jeter’s Portfolio

Michael Jeter

Full-Stack Web Developer

Overcoming project team challenges

November 18, 2020

The organization I worked with while working on Express Groomer SPA project is called Lambda Labs. The Lambda Labs is the final unit in the Lambda School Full-stack Web Developer track that I am currently enrolled. Lambda Labs is comprised of seven teams from A-G with several team members on each team working on the same product. I was assigned to team B and was fortunate to have a very diverse and talented group of developers.

The image below shows the groomer profile page card ready for stakeholder review after all task on the checklist have been completed.

Work Flow

The next step was to create the groomer profile page files to house all the functions and components that make up the groomer profile page.

The finished product


Login page for groomer and user


Groomer profile page




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